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Our Story

Get Better Faster.
Be a Game Changer.

Basketball training for the entire player- mind, body & skill.

Our Story

Accelerate’s story started in 2009 behind a passion to produce an elite basketball training center that caters to all levels of basketball. We believed we could use the same methodology to train players from age five to the professional level. We embrace technology. We research the science of how the human body reacts and functions. We believe the body’s capabilities far exceed our current imagination and we strive to find the limits. Training with Accelerate Basketball will bring new potential to your game and introduce your body to a new level of training.

We layer different skills in a systematic, organized, and progressive approach — everything we do builds on past training and skill development. Our drills increase in difficulty as you get better. A key part of our training is to eliminate “paralysis by analysis.” We develop players to be more fluid, more aggressive and more confident. The impact: the game slows down and players react more efficiently and effectively.

We Promise

  • To provide a system of training that blends basketball skills with strength, speed, and agility work.

  • To help our athletes reach their stated goals, from developing strong fundamentals to obtaining a college scholarship.

  • To continue learning and developing our knowledge in performance and sport-specific training.

  • To love the game.

  • To love the person & the player.

What's in a Name?

Imagine you had to write everything down that went through your brain every day. Our brains are commonly overwhelmed with information, and we can’t process the details quickly enough to make our bodies react. This is even more pronounced on a basketball court. Accelerate Basketball Training accelerates muscle memory and enables your brain to talk to your feet and hands at an accelerated rate. Don’t delay, join us for an accelerated method of basketball development and become a part of Accelerate’s Story. Get better … faster.

An Accelerated System of Player Development

At Accelerate…

  • We love the game of basketball.

  • We focus on improving the way the game is played.

  • We are educators and aim to train in an intelligent environment.

  • We offer a system of training that blends basketball skills with strength, speed & agility work.

  • We thrive on seeing results… faster.

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